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also called Swedish herbs
This recipe, which was found in Sweden with a famous physician after his death in his writings, is considered a safe guide to prolonging life. The doctor is said to have brought his grandfather to 120, his father to 113, his mother to 107 and himself to 104 for this remedy.
The following text is merely the reproduction of an old informative script. It should not be understood as a healing guide or recipe recommendation. Even back then, taking this liquor didn’t replace a doctor's visit.
1. If you regularly smell or inhale it through the nose, as well as moistening the top of the head with it, or putting a moistened rag on the head, it dispels the pain, strengthens the memory, the brain and eliminates the dizziness.
2. They help against weeping eyes when they are inflamed and cools them. They take the blush and all the pain, even if the eyes are cloudy and swollen, even the spots on them, if you put a few drops into the eye or soak a rag and put on the eye, especially at night.
3. Impetigo or rash on the nose, or any crust of this kind, wherever they are on the body, are cured only if moistened often.
4. If you have a toothache, take a coffee cup of lukewarm water and a tablespoon of these drops in your mouth, keep it in it for a while, then rinse with it, dispelling the decay and relieving the pain.
5. If the throat is sore, take one tablespoon three times a day. All pain, blisters of any kind, heal when one gargles with it.
6. In case of stomach spasm, take one tablespoon with each attack.
7. If you have earache, apply a few drops into your ear. It brings back lost hearing.
8. With colic take three tablespoons in succession and there is relief.
9. All damage to a women's breasts is healed when they are moistened by these drops.
10. If a woman has morning sickness, she should take a tablespoonful of red wine with a few drops three days early in the morning. After half an hour she can have breakfast, but without milk.
11. In case of dropsy One and a half tablespoon full of white wine in the morning and evening.
12. They drive off wind in the body, cool the liver and prevent inflammation.
13. They are of use for adults and children against worms, including tapeworm. dropper amount - according to age - on a damp cloth on the navel - keep moist.
14. They are an excellent remedy for the stomach if it digests badly and does not keep food.
15. They open the veins, heal the kidneys, remove moisture from the body, reduce melancholy, and whet the appetite.
16. If a woman loses her regular period for several years or has it too strong, take these drops for three days and repeat this 20 times. What is too much will satisfy it, which is too little it will excrete.
17. If someone faints, open their mouths and give them a few drops. He or she regains consciousness in a short time.
18. They also open the golden veins (hemorrhoids) inside when they are often moistened from outside and inside. Before bedtime, apply a moistened rag. It drains excess blood and helps against burning.
19. In fever, whether it be hot or cold, and if he or she is completely weak, give the patient a tablespoon. As soon as the drops enter the stomach the pulse will begin to beat.
20. If a wound is old or young, wash it well and use the drops.
21. They also heal growths and warts, as well as cracked hands and festering wounds.
22. In the case of insect bites (bee stings), immediately give a few drops.
23. They heal all burn marks - it alleviates the heat.
24. It brings one’s taste back, if one has lost one’s appetite.
25. It brings the lost colour back to a women when Swedish bitters are taken daily.
26. Rheumatic pain and torn or pulled muscles disappear when one rubs the limbs with it in the morning and evening.
27. It heals frozen feet and hands, even when the frozen part is an open wound. Apply these drops as often as possible.
28. Also heals animal bites.
29. Against corns, apply small moistened wads.
30. In the last days of pregnancy one tablespoon promotes childbirth.
31. Whoever cannot sleep, take one tablespoon.
32. He who takes these drops daily - morning and evening - will cure the stomach, because this remedy strengthens the body.